The hour has come; for the sinless sacrifice.
His birth, was a mystery; in history and a prophesy, to be fulfilled; which cannot be distilled.
Under the regime of Pontius Pilate, He was arrested, tied and sentenced to death like an old pirate.
He was with his own, yet He was disowned.
He was refused, abused, and betrayed.
It is finished!!!
They beat him and shed His blood, for our lives to be spared.
He could have performed miracles to disarm the soldiers and blinded their eyes.
He could have caused them to strike each other with their spears.
But He endured the pain and stayed calm like a sheep being led to a slaughter house.
He bled till death which became our wealth of salvation.
It is finished!!!
He carried our cross,
It was the heaviest of all, but He never gave up until He reached Calvary.
They stripped Him off his clothes, nailed him on the cross.
It is finished!!!
He cried unto His father...
"Eli, eli, lama sabachthani"
My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me ?
Even in death, He forgave his killers and asked His father to forgive them.
He screamed!
Father, unto your hands i commit my spirit.
There is nothing worthy than His sacrifice for mankind.
Good Friday...
It is finished indeed!
ReplyDeleteThe reason for the season.