Peaceful Piece


As a patriotic citizen, I think it's my duty to contribute my quota to the peace campaign.

Fellow Ghanaians, we have one Ghana.
Let's put Ghana first and exercise our democracy in a professional manner.
Our politicians may appear as enemies to each other but behind closed doors, they are the best of friends.
Irrespective of your political and tribal affiliation, treat everyone who isn't your party member with respect.
When we go to the polls, Let us  exercise your franchise and leave peacefully to our various homes and await the results.

If you do anything otherwise , and you are apprehended, then you will realize that your party chairman will be out of coverage area whiles you find yourself locked up between four walls.

If you think your party isn't treated fairly, gather your facts and go to the law court.

But don't send innocent youth to the street to fight for you.
Rather, let them enjoy their favorite games (call of duty, mortal combat, FIFA and road rash) peacefully as a fruitful youth.

I can't imagine Ghana my happy home turn into a war zone;
When call of duty, need for speed, mortal combat will be reality on our streets with machete and bullets flying on our heads like a bird.
When that happens, the ordinary Ghanaian, will not enjoy the freedom and Ghana will no longer be seen as a free country.

The whole world is looking up to us to make history once again by conducting a peaceful election.

Be youthful not youth fool.
God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong.


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